Setup a Linux Server

Setup a Linux Server


Installing Google Chrome Browser

This page discusses third-party software sources not officially affiliated with or endorsed by the Fedora Project. Use them at your own discretion. Fedora recommends the use of free and open source software and avoidance of software encumbered by patents. Fedora Workstation, in its out of the box configuration, only includes free and open source software. Mozilla […]

Fedora BBR Install

Just like Ubuntu enabling BBR on your Fedora PC/Server can increase your network thruput by on avg 4%-15% if not more, this is a lot of performance increase. So how do I do this? sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf Append the following lines to the end of the file. net.core.default_qdisc=fqnet.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control=bbr Save your file and exit. sudo sysctl […]

How to Install Docker Compose on AlmaLinux 9

Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. With Compose, you use a Compose file to configure your application’s services. Then, using a single command, you create and start all the services from your configuration. Use curl to download the Compose file into the /usr/bin directory. Output: Next, set the correct permissions so that the docker-compose command is […]

How to Install Docker on AlmaLinux 9

Docker is a container engine that uses the Linux Kernel to create the containers on top of an operating system. Which is used to create, deploy and run the applications First, check and install any pending system updates. Adding Docker repository Enable the Docker CE repository by running the following command. Output: Installing the Docker-CE […]

How to Rsync with non-standard SSH Port

How to Rsync with non-standard SSH Port Run the following command from the terminal to sync files/folders using Rsync with non-standard ssh port. Syntax: # rsync -arvz -e ‘ssh -p <port-number>’ –progress –delete user@remote-server:/path/to/remote/folder /path/to/local/folder For the purpose of this tutorial, I will be using two systems. Remote System Details: IP Address: User name: […]

Procedure To Add a Swap File Under Linux

You need to use the dd command to create swap file. The mkswap command is used to set up a Linux swap area on a device or in a file. Step 1 – Login as the Root User Open a terminal window (select Applications > Accessories > Terminal) or login to remote server using the ssh client. Switch to […]

How to enable BBR on AlmaLinux 8

Requirements: BBR requires Linux kernel version 4.9 or above. Since AlmaLinux 8 comes with the 4.18.0 kernel, we can enable BBR right away. Run the following command to check available congestion control algorithms, Output: Run the below command to check the current congestion control algorithm used in your system, Output: Enabling TCP BBR in AlmaLinux […]

Replace a single string in a large number of files in Unix

If you have Perl installed on your system With Perl, you can make the replacement from the Unix command line prompt. At the prompt, enter: perl -pi -e ‘s/old_string/new_string/g’ file_pattern Replace old_string with the string you want to replace and new_string with the replacement string. Replace file_pattern with the files you want to modify. This can be a shell wildcard, such as *.html. The […]

Install Cyberpanel

This guide will walk you through how to install the self-hosted CyberPanel control panel on your server, which is independent of [CyberPanel Cloud]( Requirements Server with a fresh install of Centos 7.x, Centos 8.x, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 20.04, AlmaLinux 8 Python 3.x 1024MB RAM, or higher 10GB Disk Space CyberPanel vs CyberPanel Ent CyberPanel is […]

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