Setup a Linux Server

Setup a Linux Server


Apache vs Nginx – Static Files

The same old question “What is faster, Apache or Nginx”, well I decided to test this on my own. I used the same machine with the same install with the same configurations to test this. I followed the QEMU install found on this site. Here and install Ubuntu 22 Server install. I then shut down […]

How to Rsync with non-standard SSH Port

How to Rsync with non-standard SSH Port Run the following command from the terminal to sync files/folders using Rsync with non-standard ssh port. Syntax: # rsync -arvz -e ‘ssh -p <port-number>’ –progress –delete user@remote-server:/path/to/remote/folder /path/to/local/folder For the purpose of this tutorial, I will be using two systems. Remote System Details: IP Address: User name: […]

Replace a single string in a large number of files in Unix

If you have Perl installed on your system With Perl, you can make the replacement from the Unix command line prompt. At the prompt, enter: perl -pi -e ‘s/old_string/new_string/g’ file_pattern Replace old_string with the string you want to replace and new_string with the replacement string. Replace file_pattern with the files you want to modify. This can be a shell wildcard, such as *.html. The […]

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